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methodologies that enhance user experiences

Using combinations of different design methodologies can allow you to create new user experiences that will surprise and delight your audience, so that they can enjoy the positive interactions with your products.


With Human Centered Design, your team will utilize empathy to target your users' specific feelings in order to create positive associations and interactions with your brand.


There is also Google's Sprint, which allows anyone within your company to sketch solutions to problems you may be having with your existing products. These simple drawings can be tested in the room in order to quickly implement solutions that drive positive results. 


usaa roadside assistance chatbot


Members with Roadside Assistance would be caught on the side of the road with no one to talk to about vehicle emergencies during off-peak hours.



The USAA Roadside Assistance chatbot allowed users to schedule assistance in real-time while waiting on the side of the road. Or, the chatbot would even allow the user to select another day, time or location, all without being dependent on speaking with a customer service representative.



Developed with Craig Silverstein, Experience Owner for USAA Roadside Assistance


usaa same day payment for vehicle accidents


USAA could not keep up with member demand to review accident information and issue payments to stranded members in a timely manner. Members reported having to go weeks without their vehicles and waiting to get paid in order to start repairs to their vehicles. 



Members could upload photos of the damage in their USAA app and get an estimate and payment within four hours. The specifc user flow incorporated AI to determine the cost to repair the vehicles based on make, model and year.



Developed with Pricilla Baker, Experience Owner for USAA Member Service Photo Estimates

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